January 28, 1995 the then Department of Children and Family Services issued a memo banning "homosexuals" from being foster parents. At the time, the ACLU stated:
"It's wrong for the foster kids of Nebraska. It's wrong for the gay people of Nebraska. And it's wrong for everyone in Nebraska. Most states have been dealing with this issue the way Nebraska had been dealing with it. They treat all applicants for foster parents the same and judge them on whether they can be good foster parents - not their sexual orientation."
The ACLU said the state could face a lawsuit. Freedom isn't a sprint - freedom is a marathon. After nearly two decades of interviewing clients and thousands of children without loving homes, the ACLU of Nebraska filed a lawsuit on behalf of three same-sex couples in Nebraska. In December of 2015, our clients Todd and Joel were approved for placement and as of January 2016, they have provided a home to three boys.
2016 is the 50th anniversary of the ACLU of Nebraska. We will feature several memories from our five decades of defending freedom in the Cornhusker state here. Do you have a favorite memory? Share it with us!